Facebook Advertising

Your Solutions For Laser-Targeted Audiences

With 4.8 million Facebook users in Singapore alone, Facebook ads have proven to be a powerhouse revenue generator for both B2C and B2B companies in a wide range of industries, with a potential to achieve over 2500% in ad spend ROI.

We know how to harness the powerful targeting capabilities that pinpoint the exact audiences you need, and a wide range of ad formats to meet each business’s needs, so that your company can generate more leads and build brand awareness at the same time.

Unique Audience Targeting System

With hundreds of thousands of ad spend dollars in experience, we know how to find the best audiences on Facebook that’ll fit your ideal customer profiles.

This means that we’ll help you to push out your products & services to the people that are most likely to buy, while ensuring that your costs of reaching out to them are reduced, to ensure maximum ROI.


Compelling Messaging That Matches Your Brand

We work out advertising visuals and messages that attract, engage and coax your target prospects into taking action, while ensuring that your brand messaging stays consistent throughout the campaign with other online and offline channels.

Data-driven Campaign Optimisation

With knowledge & access to the inner Facebook system, we have a high understanding of what makes the Facebook advertising system tick: What ads they’ll like (So those ads become cheaper for clients), how to scale up efficiently, how to handle the upcoming CBO changes, and so much more; to make our clients’ campaigns produce higher ROI over time.


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